Highly successful people do 7 or more of these habits daily to invest in themselves. They do not pass over opportunities repeatedly. But invest and inculcate these 7 habits. What can we emulate (starting today) from these highly successful people?
Habit #1 Sleep
Did you get good 7-8 hours of uninterrupted sleep? Invest in a good sleep routine daily. You will function better when you're well-rested. It is critical to sleep well daily for the brain memory and creative thinking to function properly.
So, highly successful people have a sleep routine and spend at least 7-8 hours a night sleeping.
Habit #2 Pray, Meditate and Be Still
A well-rested body will automatically wake up early with/without an alarm. After they make their bed, wash up - highly successful people spend their early morning time alone with God to read the Holy scriptures, meditate what was read, write a pray or response, and being silent to hear from God who gives them peace, rest and clarity.
God fills their cup that it runs over and they are filled or recharged to serve others better with love and gratitude. They also journal and maintain a gratitude journal.
Habit #3 Read more non-fiction books
Not just reading or listening to audio books while commuting but also applying. Knowledge comes from reading but wisdom comes when one applies and continues to keep educating oneself. When I begin to read I grow and every area in my life begins to grow.
I read. I learn.
I apply. I earn.
Habit #4 Keep company of the right-kind of people
Highly-successful people are choosy about who they spend their time with. They prefer to spend their time with people who inspire and improve them.
So, make it a point to limit your exposure to toxic, negative people who drag and belittle you.
Habit #5 Exercise
Walking, running, cycling, jogging, or going to the gym etc. Highly successful people do some or the other form of exercise daily or thrice a week. They make it a priority as exercise has a direct impact on their productivity.
Habit #6 Clean habitually
Highly successful people do not tolerate uncleanliness in their body, mind, clothes or living and working spaces. They live clutter-free, bring order and delegate the work by maintain a system to organize their life at home or at work.
Habit #7 Eat clean
Highly successful people eat proper nutritional meals. They invest in themselves by incorporating healthy habits like exercising, networking, reading, meditating, sleeping ,and maintaining a clean diet to improve their mental, physical, spiritual and emotional health. This in turn reduces stress, increases energy. It also eliminates the risk of choric diseases and helps improve the quality and longevity of life.
Are you ready to meet the next version of you? If yes, then invest in yourself by following these 7 habits. You up your confidence level by keeping the promises you make to yourself. So, pursue pain, pursue discomfort, do the inconvenient thing because on the other side of that lies the thing that you want.
*****************Take action
*************Stop talking
**********Start doing now.
----------------------------------Grow------------- Grow-------------------- Grow